Tax and Accounting Management
We take care of the accounting and tax procedures of different legal entities: corporate enterprises, sole proprietorships, professionals, foundations, associations, joint ownerships, compensation boards, etc.
Our managing of accountability and taxation is always adapted to the needs and special characteristics of each client and each economic sector. We do not follow an inflexible pattern, as this often only pursues the interest of the consultant and requires the client to adapt. In Bufet Casanovas, it is us who adapt to our clients: to what, how and when it is required.
Our services include both a comprehensive management, where we handle all the accounting and annual tax return processes of the client, and a supporting and counselling service, where we help the client in his or her management tasks leaving no doubt unattended.
As for comprehensive management, this service does not only involve formalising the client’s accounting documents in an accounting software and delivering the results, but it also entails the analysis and reporting of these in order to help the client in his or her management and decision making processes.
In particular, the accounting and tax management field includes, among other, the following services:
- Accounting adapted to the Commercial Code and analysis
- Settlement and submission of monthly, quarterly, yearly, intra-community or informative tax returns, among other type of declarations, and especially those corresponding to VAT return, corporate tax and personal income tax
- Preparation and submission at the Commercial Register of annual accounts as well as accounting and statutory corporate books
- Obtainment and renewal of digital signatures and the LEI code
- Control, management and reply of electronic notifications and requests by the Tax Agency
- Arrangement of tax postponements and instalment payment plans
- Processing and obtainment of certificates issued by the Tax Agency
- Preparation, processing and defence of tax inspections (including before the administrative court and courts of law)
- Control and management of transfer pricing and related operations
- Declaration of sales and purchases outside the European Community